JL & S Opticians DETECTIVE ... | |
JL & S Opticians DETECTIVE SATCHEL Box Camera w/ SEESAW SHUTTER & Orig. Plt. Hld - Sold on eBay Jul, 4th 2020 for $745.00 | |
J1890's J.L. & S. Opticians DETECTIVE SATCHEL Box Camera w/ SEESAW SHUTTER and original double wooden plate holder. The camera measures 9" x 5" x 6". The viewfinder is on top of the camera, but the air hose for the shutter has a hole under the camera and the plate holder goes in the bottom of the camera. This is a very interesting version of a detective camera. Please check out the pictures. (The camera is black, not green; but the light shows up the imperfections better.) This camera has been part of my late husband's (Alan B. Cotter) 50+ year photographic collection He wa... | |